Gratitude Practice

How to practice gratitude

Press start.
Focus on the middle of your chest and breathe in, drawing in a sense of warmth with each breath.
Breathe out and allow the warmth to spread through your body while reflecting on what you feel grateful for about yourself. Breathe in a sense of warmth.
Breathe out and push the warmth outward toward people you love as you reflect on what you feel grateful for about them. Breathe in a sense of warmth.
Breathe out and push the warmth outward to the wider world reflecting on what you feel grateful for about nature and other things around you.
Click ‘Finish’ when you’re ready to finish.
Struggling to do the exercise?
If you’re struggling to feel gratitude for yourself, try to find one thing about yourself that you like or that you can give yourself credit for, like getting up in the morning. Or think about the nice things others say about you, and keep those front of mind. Practising gratitude can go hand in hand with feeling a level of uncomfortableness at the start as you shift your mindset. Just remember that time you practice gratitude, you’re giving yourself the gift of progress, however hard it may be to start.
What is gratitude?
How do you feel when warm sunlight touches your face, or when you have your first sip of morning coffee or tea? These little moments often make us feel good, but we don’t pay much attention to them. Practising gratitude means taking a moment to appreciate the small things in life that bring you joy.