My Signs of Low Wellbeing

My signs of distress

Click and add a noticeable sign of distress from your head, torso, and full body.
Receive insights about why you experience these signs in your body.
Click ‘Try again’ if you want to learn about any of the other signs.
Struggling to do the exercise?
If you find it difficult to notice feelings in your body then consider looking out for different types of signs. These can include signs in your thoughts e.g. “I don’t feel safe”, or signs from your surroundings e.g “my room is a mess”, or your behaviour e.g. “I’m pacing a lot”.
Just like signs in your body, other types of signs tell you that it’s time to use your other tools to improve your wellbeing.
What are Low Wellbeing Signals?
The bodily sensations that you feel when you’re becoming distressed are activated by your brain to protect and motivate you.
For example, when your brain perceives that you are in danger, your heart starts to beat really fast in order to pump blood around your body to prepare you to escape from danger quickly.
Interestingly, modern triggers for distress are more often going to come from thoughts in your head, rather than actual physical danger.
If you start to see feelings in your body as useful signs that you’re thinking negatively then you can use them to improve your thinking and do something useful about the way you are feeling.