Reframing Thoughts

Learn how to identify unhelpful thoughts that people commonly experience by matching a scenario to a type of thought distortion.

How to reframe thoughts

Read a description of an unhelpful thought pattern.
Match it to the right name to learn what it’s called.
As you match the distortions, notice if any resonate with your experience.
Receive insights on how to reframe these unhelpful thought patterns into more useful thoughts.
Press 'try again’ to learn about more unhelpful thought patterns.
Struggling to do the exercise?
If you don’t instantly resonate with any unhelpful thought patterns, another way to identify them is by looking for patterns in your own thoughts or speech. For example, if you find yourself saying “I should” a lot then you may be experiencing the ‘Should’ unhelpful thought pattern.
You could write down your thoughts in a journal and try to spot the patterns and match them up to the list of unhelpful thought patterns.